Dr. Jamin Shah

Consultant Onco-Ortho Surgeon
10 Years

Dr. Jamin Shah

Dr. Jamin Shah - Consultant Onco-Ortho Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


  • Limb Salvage Surgery
  • Mega Prosthetic Reconstruction
  • Soft Tissue Sarcoma Resection
  • Extended Curettage for Benign Tumours
  • Giant cell Tumor of Bone
  • Oncological Fixation of Pathological Fracture
  • Complex Pelvic Sarcoma Surgeries

Research work:

Thesis– Results of Open Reduction and Plating in fractures of Shaft of Humerus.


  • Poster Presentation in GOACON Meet 2011 on “Case report – CHONDROMYXOID FIBROMA LATERAL END CLAVICLE”.
  • Best paper – first position in consultant-non trauma 34th GOACON, 2016, Baroda.
  • Poster Presentation in NATCON, 2016, Jodhpur.

Academic Sessions & Workshops attended:

  • G. Lecture Course, Ahmedabad 2008, 2009.
  • WIROC, 2010 Mumbai
  • AOS annual meet, 2010
  • WIROC, 2011
  • GOACON, 2011
  • Delegate in ortho-radio patho (orp) TMH Mumbai, 2011
  • 6th annual life surgery demonstration course ONCO surgery, 2011, TMH Mumbai
  • 9th annual meeting of evidence based management of cancer 2011-2012 TMH Mumbai
  • GOACON, 2012
  • POSICON, 2013
  • GOACON, 2013
  • GOACON 2014
  • IMSOS, 2015
  • GOACON, 2016
  • NATCON IASO, 2016
  • IOACON, 2017 Indore
  • AO Basic Orthopedics Course
  • Cadaveric Spine Course
  • Evidence Based Medicine: Bone and Soft Tissue tumors, TMH Mumbai

Onco-Ortho Surgeon, Management of Benign & Malignant Bone & Soft-Tissue Sarcoma,

  • B.B.S
  • S. Ortho
  • Fellow TMH (Mumbai)
  • Fellow GCRI (Ahmedabad)
  • Worked as Consultant Orthopedic Onco- Surgeon at Ahmedabad
  • He is Head of Department of Orthopedic Onco- Surgeon at The Kanba Hospital, Ahmedabad.
  • Speciality: Management of Benign & Malignant Bone & Soft-Tissue Sarcoma
  • Basic Trauma Management
  • Management of Complex Fractures
  • Assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty, Total Hip Arthroplasty, Acetabular Surgeries, Spinal Surgeries.
  • Assisted and performed various types of bone and soft tissue tumour surgeries.

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