Dr Muruganandham K

Director - Urology
Gleneagles Global Health City
19 Years

Dr Muruganandham K - Director - Urology in Chennai, India


Dr Muruganandham got his degree in medicine from Thanjavur Medical College. He later completed his masters in General Surgery from Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) after which he got his diplomate in General Surgery. Dr Muruganandham also got his masters of surgery in Urology from Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences. Dr Muruganandhan had also received a fellowship in minimal access surgery from Minimal Access Surgeons of India.

In his cumulative experience of almost 19 years, Dr Muruganadham has worked in clinical as well as academic profile in the field of general surgery, urology and renal transplant. He has been a part of various research projects in the capacity of a principal investigator, co-investigator, guide and co-guide. Dr Muruganandham has also been active when it comes to participating in various workshops while attending many conferences.

Urology, Urogynaecology,

  • Endo-urology, Advanced Laparoscopy including Robotic Surgery
  • Renal Transplantation and Vascular Access
  • Uro-oncology and Reconstructive Urology

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