

Department of General Surgery, General & Minimal Access Surgery, Centre for Robotic Surgery, Robotic Surgery Program, Bariatric Surgery Hospital in Mumbai, India, Piles Awards MS. (Gen Surgery)-2nd rank in university Research Papers & Publications Percutaneous thecoperitoneal shunt for syringomyelia Multiple chylous cysts of the abdomen causing intestinal obstruction Haemangio-endothelioma...

Nanavati Max Institute of Cancer Care, Cancer Reconstructive Surgery Program, Paediatric Cancer Program Memberships IMA Awards Paul Bunn Award for the most promise in the field of Infectious diseases, awarded by SUNY Upstate Medical University, New York ...

Centre for Urology, Nanavati Max Institute of Renal Sciences & Transplant, Urological Cancer Program, Urological Surgeries Unit, Kidney Stone Clinic, Centre for Robotic Surgery, Robotic Surgery Program, Bladder Stones Memberships Urology Society of India West Zone Urology society, India American Urological Association General Medical Council, UK ...

Memberships AOI, Skullbase surgery society of India, AMC Awards Gold Medal - Diploma in  ENT Research Papers & Publications Insideout Mastoidectomy, Amol Patil, Sonal Modi, Madhuri Mehta, Narayan Jayshankar, K P Morwani, Vol-1, Atlas of Operative otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery, P- 112 To123 ...

Liver Diseases Unit, Liver Transplant Unit, Acute Liver Failure Unit, Nanavati Max Institute of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Therapeutic Endoscopy, Nanavati Max Institute of Liver, Pancreas and Intestine Transplantation Memberships American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) European Association for the Study of the Liver...

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