Although I practice all aspects of Urology my special interests are Endourology including Flexible scopies, LASERs in Urology, stone disease, Laparoscopy & transplant.
Alzheimer’s Disease/ Dementia
Anaemia, Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Andrology and Reconstructive Urology
Anesthesia and Critical Care Experience
Aneurysm repairs
Angioplasty and /Stenting
Ankle Arthroscopy
Ankle Replacement
Ankylosing spondylitis
Annual Dental Hygiene plan
Anorectal diseases like piles and fissures
Aorta Femoral Bypass
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
aortic aneurysm surgery
Aortic Surgeries
aortic valve repair/ replacement
Aortic Valve Surgery
Aplastic Anaemia and Inherited Bone Marrow Failures (Fanconi Anaemia, Diamond Blackfan Anaemia, DKC etc.)
Aqua Therapy
Arrhythmia Treatments
Arthritis Treatment
Arthroplasty & Arthroscopy Surgeon
Arthroscopic surgery
Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine
Arthroscopy (Minimally Invasive Surgery)
Arthroscopy surgery of Knee & Hip (Ligament reconstruction, ACL/PCL/MCL, PLC, MPFL)
Basic ENT surgeries, Advanced Endoscopic Sinus surgery, Airway management for laryngotracheal conditions, Hearing Aid Fitting, Septoplasty, Nasal surgery, Adenoidectomy, Thymectomy and also specializes in advanced ENT, Head and Neck surgeries.
Beard Transplantation
Behavioural Neurology
Benign & Malignant Haematology Consultative
Benign Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours
Bladder Cancer Surgery
Blood & Marrow Transplant
Blood and Marrow Transplant (BMT) / Stem cell transplantation
Diagnosing and treating bleeding and coagulation disorders like Haemophilia, von Willebrand disease (vWD), other platelet function disorders, rare clotting factor deficiencies, etc.
Diagnosing and treating bleeding and coagulation disorders like haemophilia, von Willebrand disease, platelet function disorders
Diagnosing and treating malignant Haematology disorders like Acute and Chronic leukemia, Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas, Myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), etc
Diagnosing and treating Platelet disorders like Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP), etc.
Diagnosing and treating Platelet disorders like Immune thrombocytopenic purpura-ITP, Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
Diagnosing and treating Red cell disorders like Aplastic Anaemia, Autoimmune Haemolytic Anemia, Nutritional Anaemia, Thalassemia, and Sickle Cell Anaemia, etc.
Diagnosing and treating Red cell disorders like Aplastic Anaemia, Autoimmune Haemolytic Anemia, Nutritional Anaemia, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Anaemia
Diagnosing and treating thrombotic disorders like Deep vein thrombosis
Diagnosing and treating thrombotic disorders like deep vein thrombosis, recurrent thrombotic episodes, pulmonary embolism, Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APLA), Hereditary Thrombophilia, etc.
Diagnosing and treating, Malignant Haematologic disorders like Acute and Chronic Leukemias, Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas, Myeloma, Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
Endoscopic Treatment for Enlarged Prostate and Bladder Cancer (TURP/ TURBT) Treatment for ED / PME (Erectile Dysfunction)
Endovascular Aneurysm Repair for Aortic aneurysm
Endovascular Aneurysm Surgery
Endovascular interventions
Endovascular procedures
endovascular surgery
Epilepsy Surgery
ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)
Esophageal Cancer
Evaluating and managing haematologic complications arising in pregnancy, postpartum period
Evaluating and managing haematologic complications in Renal disorders, Rheumatologic disorders, Gastrointestinal disorders, Neurologic disorders, Intensive care units
Evaluating and managing hematological complications arising in pregnancy and the postpartum period
Evaluating and managing hematological complications in renal disorders, Rheumatology disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, Neurological disorders, Intensive care units, etc.
Evaluation of Paediatric hematological disorders- both hereditary & acquired
Ewing sarcoma tumors, Musculoskeletal tumors, Metastatic bone tumors, Chondrosarcoma tumors, Primary malignant bone tumors
Ewing's Sarcoma
Extra Corporeal Supports
Extracororeat Therapies
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Extraction of Anterior Tooth
Extraction of Posterior Tooth
Extraction of third molar (wisdom tooth)
Extractions and Surgical Extractions
Extremity Soft Tissue tumors
Eye Muscle Surgery
Eyebrow Transplantation
Facelift Treatment
Fat Transfer
Fatty liver
female urology
Fertility Medicine
Fertility Medicine
Fetal Echo
Fetal Echocardiography
Fetal Medicine & Gynecology
Fibroid Embolisation, Uterine artery Embolisation for PPH
Fibroids Removal Surgery
Fistulectomy / Fistulotomy
Fixed (Ceramic) Teeth
Fixed and removable dentures
Fixed Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Flap Surgery for Gums
Fluids & Acid-base Disorders
FM Rehab Specialist
Foot & Ankle Deformity
Foot & Ankle Fractures
Frontal Sinus Surgery
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Functional Neurosurgery
Gall Bladder Stones
Gallbladder Cancer
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Gastointestinal Cancer Surgery
Gastric Balloon
Gastric Bypass
Gastro Intestinal Surgery
Gastro-Intestinal Interventions – TIPSS, BRTO
Gastrointestinal and Minimal Access Surgical Oncology
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Gastrointestinal Oncology
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Gastrointestinal Tract CancerSupportive and Palliative care
Gaucher disease
General & Laparoscopic
General & Laparoscopic Surgeon
General Dentistry
General Medicine
General Otolaryngology
General Paediatric Surgery
General Surgeon
General Surgery
General Surgical Oncology
General Trauma Surgery to Complex Revision Arthroplasty
Genital Warts
Genitourinary Cancers
Germ Cell Tumour (GCT)
Gi & Bariatric
GI & HPB Oncology and Robotic Services, Colorectal cancer surgery
GI bleeding
GI Cancers
GI Oncology
Gum Depigmentation
Gum Problems
Gum Treatments
Gums Treatment
Gynaec Oncology
Gynaec Oncology and Robotic Services
Gynaecologic Oncology
Gynaecological & Colorectal Surgery
Gynaecological Cancers
Gynec and Breast Oncology
Gynecology & Obstetrics
Habit breaking appliances
Haematology & Bone Marrow Transplant
Haematology, Hemato-oncology & Bone Marrow Transplant
Haemo-Dialysis Access, Fistula Intervention, Complex central vein recanalization
Haemophilia and other Bleeding Disorders
Hair Loss Treatments
Hair Removal
Hair transplant
Hair Transplant Clinic
Hair Transplant For Women
Hand foot and mouth disease
Hand Surgery
HAPLO and MUD Transplant
HDR Brachytherapy
He has special interest and expertise in performing Blood & Bone Marrow transplantation, for various benign and malignant disorders. He is trained in transplantation at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver Canada
Laparoscopic / Keyhole / Scarless Cancer Surgeries
Laparoscopic & hysteroscopic procedures.
Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery
Laparoscopic and Robotic Urology Endourology, Lasers Transplantation Artificial Intelligence
Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Laparoscopic GI surgery
Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic Reconstructive Surgeries
Laparoscopic Surgeon
Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic Uro-surgery
Laparoscopic Urology
Laparoscopic Vault Suspension
Laparoscopy for Ovarian Cyst
laproscopic surgery for Obesity
Laproscopy- Hysterectomy
Laser Dental Treatment
Laser Dentistry
Laser Gingivectomy
Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Laser Prostatectomy
Laser Surgeries
Laser Surgery
Laser Surgery for Urinary Stones (PCNL, URS, RIRS)
Laser Treatment
Lasers in Proctology
LCH and Rare Childhood Cancer
Lifestyle diseases including diabetes, obesity and hypertension, Infectious diseases, Critical illness, Preventive health with special emphasis on adult immunization and Breast health.
LIFT ( Ligation Of Intersphinctric Fistula Track )
Ligament and Tendon Repair
Ligament Reconstruction Surgery (ACL, PCL, MPFL, PLC, Meniscal Repair)
Major Trauma, Clinical Governance, Resuscitation Training (Adults & Children) and training the Emergency Medicine doctors with International protocols and benchmarks.
Male Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction
Management of Benign & Malignant Bone & Soft-Tissue Sarcoma
Management of Head and Spine trauma
Management of hematological malignancies and solid organ cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, gynaecologic, and head & neck cancers
Management of Infections & Complications
Management of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN)
Management of pancreatic cancer
Managing all patients with renal problems, including Dialysis and active transplant program
Manual Hair transplant
Maxillo Facial Services
Maxillo Facial Surgery
Mechanical Ventilation
Medical Gastroenterology & Endoscopy
Medical Genetics
Medical Oncology
Medical Oncology & Haemato Oncology
Medical Oncology including chemotherapy for Solid tumours like breast, ovarian gastrointestinal and head and neck cancers Conventional Chemotherapy
Medical thoracoscopy
Medical, genetic & hematological disorders in Pregnancy
Melanoma Excision
Meniscal surgeries
Metabolic Diseases like, Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), Hurler, etc.
Metabolic Surgery
Micra Insertion
micro surgery for infertility
Microlaryngeal Surgery
Microscopic and Endoscopic Procedures
Microscopic Voice Surgery
Microvascular surgery for reconstruction- Traumatic and Oncological
Mini Port Surgeries
Minimal Access / laparoscopic Surgery
minimal invasive cardiac surgery
Minimal Invasive Surgery
Minimal invasive transoral laser Microsurgery in laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancers.
Minimally Invasive (Robotic and Laparoscopic) Hepatobiliary and Colorectal Surgery Gastrointestinal (GI) and Hepatobiliary Cancer Surgery Portal Hypertension Surgery
Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgeries
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Minimally Invasive done with Awake Patient Stitch less
Non-operative and operative treatment of neck & back pain
Nose – Endoscopic sinus surgeries, Septal correction, Turbinate reduction, Nasal mass excision, sphenopalatine artery ligation etc.
Nuclear Cardiology
Nuclear Medicine Physician
Obesity Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics and gynaecology
Obstetrics Problems, Obstetrics / Antenatal Care, Gynae Problems, Prenatal Checkup, Diseases in Pregnancy, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Lactation Counselling. High Risk Obstetrics Adolescent Gynaecology Menopausal Management Laproscopy
Occupational lung disease
Ocular oncology
Ocular tumors
Oesophageal cancers
Oesphagogastric Surgery
Off Pump Total Arterial Revascularization and Thoracic Aneurysm Surgery
Off-Pump CABG
Onco-Ortho Surgeon
Oncology Center
Online Dentist consultation
Open & Laparoscopic Hernia Surgeries
Open Surgery: Endo Urology, Renal Transplant
Open Tray Impressions
Oral & Maxillofacial Prosthodontist
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Oral & maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral Biopsy for Lesions
Oral Cancer
Oral Sub mucous Fibrosis Treatment
Oral Surgery
organ conserving protocols
Organ Transplantation Surgeon
Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment by Invisalign
Orthodontic Treatment by Lingual Orthodontics
Orthodontic Treatment by self-ligating Braces
Orthodontic Treatment with Ceramic Braces
Orthodontic Treatment with Metal Braces
Orthopaedic Oncology
Orthopaedic Oncosurgeon
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedic Treatment
Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement
Osteosarcoma , Pediatric Brain & Other rare Tumors.Pediatric Hemoglobinopathies like Thalassemia and Sickle cell Disease Comprehensive multidisciplinary Pediatric Care for these disorders
Preoperative Chemotherapy and Non Chemotherapy Medicines
Preservation and Cartilage Preservation Procedures Sports injuries of hip, knee and shoulder
Preventive Dentistry
Preventive Oncology
Primary & Revision Joint Replacement surgery
Primary Angioplasty
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders (SCID, WAS, XLA, HLH, etc.)
Prophylactic Dental Treatments
Prostate Cancer Surgery
Prostate Resection Surgery
Prostate: cancer, BPH Kidney masses Bladder cancer Testicular cancer Adrenal masses Penile cancer Renal transplant
Proton therapy
Prp Hair Treatment
PRP Therapy (Platelets rich Plasma Therapy)
Pterygoid Implants
Puberty and Growth disorders Reproductive Endocrinology (PCOD) Thyroid disorders Osteoporosis
Pulmonary Endarterectomy
Pulmonary Function Test
Pulmonary Function Test
Pulmonology & Tuberculosis
Pulpectomy procedure in children
Pulpotomy procedure in children
Radial Interventions
Radiation Oncology
Radiation Therapy
Radical Cystectomy
Radio frequency ablations
Radio Frequency Cauterization
Radiodiagnosis & Imaging
Radiology & Diagnostic
Radiology & Imaging
Radiosurgery High Precision Radiation Sites – Gastrointestinal , Lung , Head & Neck Medical Law (Pursiung PG Diploma in Medical Law from National Law School , Bangalore)
RCT – Single visit
Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive Urology
Rectal or Colon Resection
Rectal prolapse
Recurrent Cancers
Refractory Epilepsy Surgery
Rehumotology Arthriti
Removable Complete Denture
Removable Partial Denture
Renal Angioplasty
Renal Transplant
renal transplantation
Replacement of Knee and Hip
Reproductive Medicine & Endocrinology
Respiratory medicine
Restorative Dentistry
Restricted Mouth opening Treatment
Revision and complex Knee and Hip Replacement Surgeries Joint
Revision Bariatric Surgery
Revision Joint Replacement Surgery
Rheumatoid Arthriti
Rhinoplasty(Nose Reshaping)
Right and Left Heart catheterization
Robotic assisted Laparoscopic cases
robotic cardiac surgery
Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery
Robotic Spine Surgery
Robotic surgery
Robotic Surgery in Urology
Robotic Urology
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment
Root planning (Deep Cleaning)
ROSS procedures
Rotablation and Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL)
Salivary gland surgeries – parotid, submandibular, submental gland and others
Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant
Scar Treatment
Scarless Neck Surgery
Scarless Surgery
Scoliosis Correction Surgeries
Second opinion provider online
Shoulder & Elbow Replacement surgery
Shoulder & Knee Arthroscopy
Shoulder Surgery
Sickle Cell Anaemia and other genetic disorders
Sickle cell anemia
Single incision surgery
Single or Multiple Teeth Replacement with Implants
Single Piece Implants
Single Port Surgeries
Sjogrens disease
Skin Cancer Surgery
Skin Disease Treatment
Skin Tumors
Skull Base Neurosurgery
Skull base Surgery
Skull Base Surgery
Skull-Base surgery Laser laryngeal surgeries Skull-Base Surgery
Sleep and Airway Surgery
Sleep Apnea Surgery
Sleep disorders
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Medicine
Sleep Medicine - Diagnostic & Interventional bronchoscopy
Sleep Medicine - Diagnostic & therapeutic
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Slip Disc
Smile Design
Smile Makeover
Smile Makeover
Social Obstetrics
Soft tissue Surgery
solid cancers
Spasmodic Torticollis
Special interest and expertise in performing Blood & Bone Marrow transplants for various benign and malignant hematological disorders
Special interest in Clinical Nephrology
Specialist Cognitive
Spectrum of immounological diseases like Lupus, Sclerodrama, Vasculitis, Bechets