Reduce oral cancer risks with avocados
Oral cancer is not as publicized as other types of cancer but it is more lethal than many. This is because oral cancer remains undetected at the early stage and when detected it may reach an advanced stage. Oral cancer can be treated with medications along with surgery and different therapies. But all conventional therapies have some side effects. Thus, medical experts and scientists are trying to find alternative ways from fruits and vegetables to treat and reduce the risks of oral cancer. A plethora of medical studies have proved that avocado contains chemicals that can inhibit the growth of pre-malignant and malignant cells found in the mouth. This is a striking result and doubly so because it uses easy to get and cheap materials – the avocados.
If you are looking for the best oral cancer treatment in India, you should consult with Livonta Global as it is patterned with many pre-eminent hospitals that offer the best cancer treatment in India.
How do avocados minimize the risk of oral cancer?
It is an imperative aspect in the fight against cancer is the lack of collateral damage. In some conventional treatments, the bad cancer cells are extirpated but good cells also get damaged. The prime objective of cancer treatment is to destroy the bad cells without affecting the good ones. That’s exactly what’s happened in recent studies with oral cancer and the avocado. Malignant cells have been killed or the growth of cancerous cells has been inhibited, but no harm was done to good cells in the mouth. Certainly, this is wonderful news.
Researchers from Ohio State University have discovered that phytochemicals found in Avocados can kill some cancer cells and prevent pre-cancerous cells from developing into actual cancers. Phytochemicals extracted from avocados target multiple signalling pathways and enhance the amount of reactive oxygen within the cells. This leads to cell death in pre-cancerous cell lines. But the phytochemicals did not damage normal cells.
“These studies suggest that individual and a combination of phytochemicals from the avocado fruit may offer an advantageous dietary strategy in cancer prevention,” says Ding, who is a member of the division of radiobiology, department of radiology.
Avocados are full of imperative antioxidants and phytonutrients, including vitamin C, folate, vitamin E, fibre and unsaturated fats. They are naturally sodium-free and contain no trans fats and are low in saturated fat. Thus, for a healthy diet, you can incorporate avocados into your daily diet plan.
Oral cancer has a high mortality rate, and it is much higher than other cancers, including breast, cervical and skin cancer. Oral cancer diagnoses mean a mortality rate as high as 50%. This is because in most cases oral cancer is detected at an advanced stage. That’s why prevention of oral cancer or slowing the growth of oral cancer cells is imperative. The ingredients of avocados are quite successful in controlling the growth of cancerous cells. And most importantly, more than 500 varieties of avocados are available in the world.
Your body needs antioxidants to work against the damage to your cells. Avocadoes offer you hard-working antioxidants. This is a natural and cost-effective way in reducing the risk of oral cancer and improving the overall health of your body.
Did you include avocados in your diet plan? If you still have some doubts and want to consume healthy foods to reduce the risk of oral cancer, consult with Livonta Global. Livonta Global is partnered with many reputed hospitals and doctors that offer the best oral cancer treatment in India. The experts will also recommend a healthy diet that will boost up your immunity and also minimize your chance of getting oral cancer. By visiting the website of Livonta Global, you will get more knowledge about it and how it will help you in cancer treatment in India.
Cancer TreatmentTags: avocados, Cancer risk reduction, Oral Cancer, Reduced oral cancer risk